• Lane Cottages Respite Services (Kingswood)

    Truro Avenue, Kingswood, SA, 5062, Australia

    Resthaven Community Respite Services offers small group day respite for carers in a supportive, relaxed and secure environment in the Lane Cottages.

    View and download Lane Cottages Respite Fact Sheet here


    Resthaven Lane CottageThe Lane Cottages are conveniently located on the grounds of Resthaven Mitcham, a quiet suburban setting with easy access and parking from Truro Avenue.

    Group Day Respite

    Respite programs offer small group social support for up to five people and include activities that focus on the older person’s interests and abilities.

    A hot meal or sandwiches are provided, depending on the older person’s preference on the day.



    A My Aged Care referral number is required to access community respite services.

    Respite at the Lane Cottages is available to carers of frail, older people and older people with dementia who live in the southern and eastern metropolitan regions of Adelaide.

    Please note that vacancies are subject to change at short notice. For the latest vacancy information, please contact us on (08) 8198 2060 or email: respite@resthaven.asn.au.


    Do you feel overwhelmed in your caring role?