‘You’ll always be at home with Resthaven’
‘You’ll always be at home with Resthaven,’ is a clear message to come out of recent market research commissioned by Resthaven.
Conducted by String Research in November 2020, the research indicates that this is due to the breadth of services provided by Resthaven, the 85 years of experience in the sector, the highly trained and professional staff, as well as the founding values of Trust, Dignity and Choice that Resthaven staff live up to every day.
A sample of 700 adults aged over 60 were surveyed via a ten minute online questionnaire. More than 80% of respondents expressed their desire to maintain their independence for as long as possible. With Resthaven being among a select few of aged care providers nationally to offer the full range of services and options for older people, it makes sense that many choose Resthaven.
Mrs Cesira Di Pardo receives her Home Care Package services from Resthaven Western Community Services, and remembers choosing Resthaven when she was looking for extra help to stay living in her home.
‘I enjoy a life full of choices and independence, thanks to my Home Care Package,’ Mrs Di Pardo says.
‘I am very happy in my lifestyle. I can continue living in my home while also having social outings and shopping with my Home Support Worker, Angela.’
The research sought to understand who was making the decisions about access to services, with 594 (85%) of the people who responded indicating they would make the choice themselves to initiate Home Support, while 13% indicated it was likely their spouse/partner would make the decisions about home support.
This finding suggests that more and more people are choosing to seek out support for themselves to continue living independently, rather than being influenced by others.
Many Resthaven Community Services clients are doing their own research and finding the benefits of Home Support.
Mrs Di Pardo says, ‘I didn’t want to rely too much on my daughter because she has her own life to live.
I want to have the freedom to leave my house without putting that burden on family, and Resthaven Western Community Services gives me that.’
Mrs Di Pardo says to those looking into Home Support, ‘flexibility is key, and that is exactly what Resthaven Community Services provides.’
‘Resthaven works with you to help give you what you are after, it really is the best way to continue living independently in our golden years.’
Every day, Resthaven shares the lives and wisdom of older people and their carers. A not for profit, South Australian aged care community service associated with the Uniting Church, Resthaven’s residential and in-home care and support options are offered throughout metropolitan Adelaide, the Adelaide Hills, Murraylands, Riverland, Barossa, Fleurieu Peninsula and the Limestone Coast. Visit www.resthaven.asn.au for details.