• In Home Support Services

    We provide support to help you stay living at home.

    Resthaven home support services are tailored to reflect your needs, choices and interests. Working together with you we offer both long and short-term support, meeting your needs as assessed by My Aged Care. We provide basic level support through the Commonwealth Support Program (often known as CHSP), and Home Care Packages for Levels 1-4, support for veterans, Short Term Restorative Care, wellness and therapy options, carer support and private services.

    We offer quality, professional support services, either in the privacy of your own home, or out and about in your local community.

    Find a Place or Service

    Services are delivered by our trained staff in a way that supports your choices and independence, respects your privacy and provides peace of mind.

    View and download our Support at Home publications

    If you receive a Home Care Package, a care manager will partner with you to develop appropriate, individualised care plans, that consider your circumstances and provide you with services that will optimise your allocated funding, meet your preferences and needs, as well as meeting legislative requirements.

    How much does it cost? Find out more

    Call us on 1300 13 66 33

    Reader's Digest Trusted Brand Quality Service Awards from 2022 - 2025

    elderly man entering his home with carer

    ‘Did you know that Resthaven has been providing home care for more than 30 years?’



    How do I apply for home care services?

    To find a service near you, call us on 1300 13 66 33 or

    Click here to find support at home near you

    To apply for home care services, including access to Resthaven’s government-funded services, you first need to be assessed by the Government’s via My Aged Care, phone 1800 200 422 or go to www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/apply-online

    Resthaven can also assist you with a My Aged Care referral. Call us on 1300 13 66 33.

    ‘The service goes beyond the call of duty. The service is perfect. The time spent with me is incredible.’ – Resthaven client

    ‘The person who supports me is just a blessing. I really look forward to her coming because she is so aware of my needs and so good at meeting them.’ – Resthaven client

    Can I get care immediately or do I have to wait for an assessment?

    If you are over the age of 65 and want to apply for subsidised care through My Aged Care, our team can speak with you about the assessment process and work with you to help you apply.

    For information about the assessment process with My Aged Care, go to  https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment/apply-online

    If you want help without having to wait for an assessment, you can access Resthaven’s user-pays, fee-for-service Lifestyle Choices Plus service. This is a private service option, offering a range of support on a fee for service basis.

    Find out more about our affordable Private Personal Care Services
    or call us on 1300 13 66 33.

    Social Support and Transport

    We work with you to stay involved with family, friends and the community.

    Services include:

    • Individual support for outings, hobbies, exercise classes, visiting family and friends.
    • Group activities at one of our Community Services branches or in a community setting, based on your interests.
    • Dementia support including specific support for those living alone with memory loss
    • Parkinson’s Support Group
    • Transport to Medical and hospital visits, shopping, social outings, family events and appointments.

    Learn more about Social Support and Transport

    Respite group and Onkaparinga office (54)

    ‘I do a social support program on the weekend. I really value that. You know the weekend can be tough to get support or things to do, so I think that’s really innovative and imaginative … oh … and it’s just really well organised’. -Resthaven client

    Home Help and Personal Care

    We assist you with domestic care and self-care, supporting you to maintain your independence. We can help you with:

    • House cleaning and laundry
    • Light gardening and minor home maintenance
    • Meal preparation
    • Shopping and bill paying
    • Help with pets
    • Advice about in-home equipment
    • Showering/washing
    • Dressing and grooming
    • Taking or applying medications
    • Continence management
    • Reablement


    Mary Crocker (RN) and Bronwyn Wycherley low res (5)

    They don’t just take over but let you do things independently. That’s the whole attitude; let you do things that you can, but they do say, ‘Let us know if you can’t.’ – Resthaven client

    Rehabilitation, Reablement and Therapy

    Join an exercise group, or learn to manage chronic conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson’s, heart health, diabetes or arthritis.

    Resthaven’s qualified and registered allied health professionals can support your independence, providing services with a preventative, maintenance, or restorative focus. Services may include:

    • Occupational Therapy, Podiatry, Physiotherapy
    • Day or overnight respite
    • Medication management
    • Nursing in-home
    • Speech pathology
    • Counselling and social support.

    What is reablement?

    The Government uses the term ‘reablement’ to refer to short term or time limited support that helps a person to adapt to changed circumstances, such as functional loss after an illness or accident, or to regain confidence and capacity to return to their previous level of activity.

    Learn more about Rehabilitation, Reablement and Therapy

    Short-term Restorative Care

    We help people who are experiencing illness or who have suffered an injury to get back their strength and ability, to ‘get back on their feet’ and improve their quality of life.

    Restorative care is a time-limited allied health intervention. The program offers up to eight weeks of specific restorative care, and this can play a valuable role in enabling people to maintain their independence.

    Once ability is strengthened, maintenance of exercise programs and allied health support can enable clients to continue to enjoy the benefits the program brings.

    The program complements the range of support services that Resthaven offers. We work together with older people to design a plan of care that reflects their choice and preferences.

    The focus of the multidisciplinary team approach is healthy, active ageing to assist quality of life and avoid unnecessary hospitalisation, and possible premature entry to residential aged care.


    Health and Wellbeing

    With services offered at a community services site near you, you are sure to benefit from our individually tailored programs, and make new friends, too.

    Exercise & Wellness programs may include:

    • Individual or group therapy
    • Exercise classes
    • Tai Chi/Chi ball
    • Water exercises (aquatherapy)
    • Nutritional advice
    • Self-management of chronic conditions, such as Parkinson’s, stroke or pulmonary conditions, arthritis and diabetes.

    Nursing Services

    Resthaven’s fully qualified nursing teams support older people to live independently in their own homes.

    Resthaven’s established nursing teams provide short or long-term support, such as assistance with medication, wound management, continence advisory services, treatment of chronic conditions and supporting people living with dementia. Services can be delivered in the person’s home or in a Resthaven Wellness Centre.

    Resthaven’s registered nurses are fully qualified and trained to deliver specialist aged care services working with each person to achieve their goals to maintain independence and complementing their local support network.

    Resthaven’s clinical team provides evidence-based guidance, assistance, and education and referral to Allied Health Services. The team includes the Senior Manager Clinical Services, Nurse Practitioner, Advanced Practice Nurse Dementia, Palliative Care Nurse Palliative Care, Continence Nurse Advisers, and consultant Clinical Pharmacist.

    young nurse chatting with older woman at home

    Assistance with Care and Housing (ACH) – Hoarding and Squalor Sub-Program

    Resthaven supports those who are at risk of homelessness or unable to receive the aged care supports they need as a result of living with hoarding behaviour or living in a squalid environment.

    Our team are sensitive to the person’s needs and take the time needed to build rapport and trust.

    Hoarding can be associated with health risks and can impact on a person’s friends and family. It can also place the person’s housing at risk if they are living in severe domestic squalor.

    Assistance with Care and Housing - Hoarding and Squalor services may include:

    • developing a plan with the person
    • one-off clean-ups
    • reviewing care plans
    • linking clients to specialist support services.