• Need Aged Care? Six steps to aged care services

    Six Steps to Aged Care Services

    hanging laundry1. Contact My Aged Care

    To access most government subsidised services, you must be registered with My Aged Care first.

    Call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or go to www.myagedcare.gov.au

    My Aged Care provides information for both Government funded and private services, and is available in languages other than English, and other formats if you have hearing difficulties or a vision impairment.


    2. Provide your details

    Have your personal information ready. You will need to provide:

    • your full name and address,
    • date of birth,
    • telephone number
    • and Medicare/Pension number.


    3. Explain your needs

    • You will be asked a series of questions about your daily life.
    • Your responses will help determine the services you require, whether you are looking for support at home, residential aged care, or respite for carers.
    • You will be given a referral code. Record this code for future reference.


    4. Get assessed/approved to receive aged care services

    • You can apply for an assessment online by clicking here.
    • A trained Assessor will make an appointment with you.
    • The Assessor will be wearing a name badge when they visit. Always ask for identification.
    • Tell the Assessor that Resthaven is your preferred provider.


    5. Await your referral

    • My Aged Care, or your assessor, may then refer you for aged care services.
    • You can contact Resthaven directly with your My Aged Care referral code. Or, you can tell My Aged Care that Resthaven is your preferred provider.


    6. We’ll call you

    • Resthaven will call you to talk to you about your service requirements and putting services in place.
    • We’re here to help!

    Resthaven Community Services 1300 13 66 33

    Contact Us

    • Enquiring about employment? Please contact us via our careers page.

    Do you want to remain living at home, leading an independent lifestyle?