• The season of Lent

    The season of Lent

    It is nearly Easter, and we are in the season of  Lent. The colour for Lent is purple, which is symbolic of a time of reflection and prayer. I encourage staff, residents, volunteers and families to put on some reflective music, and enjoy a time of peace and relaxation, free from worries.

    As Easter approaches and autumn arrives, we are reminded  of the changing seasons. However we celebrate Easter, it is a time for ‘new life.’ Jesus taught us that, whilst our bodies are mortal and return to the elements in death, our souls live on in a new way; in a new life – eternal life.

    Easter is a time to celebrate the fact that death does not have the final word – rather, God promises new life.

    I pray that peace and blessings be with you and your loved ones, and in all the places that need it most.  The Serenity Prayer is a favourite amongst residents:

    “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
    Courage to change the things I can;
    And the wisdom to know the difference.”

    Reinhold Niebuhr (1926)

    Rev Frances Bartlett, Coordinating Chaplain, Resthaven Bellevue Heights

    For information about Pastoral Care, Chaplaincy and spiritual support at Resthaven, please click here.