• Brightening up the day

    Brightening up the day

    With his loud Hawaiian shirts and sunny disposition, volunteer, Leigh, is known for ‘brightening up’ everyone’s day at Resthaven Mount Gambier.

    Lifestyle Coordinator, Trudyanne, says, ‘Leigh comes in on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.’

    ‘He facilitates a men’s catch up and coffee, provides individual social visits, and holds a history/men’s club on Fridays, with fellow volunteer, Felicia.’

    ‘He is also a bingo caller, and helps with happy hour and special events, including the occasional bus trip.’

    ‘These are the activities he supports, but, really, Leigh does so much more.’

    ‘He has a genuine rapport with people living here, and they really appreciate it; they often ask for him, or ask when he is on again.’

    ‘He uses his initiative, and always seems to be where and when he is needed.’

    ‘He is also known for the Hawaiian shirts that he wears every time he is here – I don’t recall ever seeing him wearing anything else!’

    ‘They are loud and colourful, and they brighten up everyone’s day.’

    ‘Leigh is such a great support to the lifestyle team. We truly thank him for everything he does.’


    As an essential worker, Leigh chose to continue to visit during the COVID-19 pandemic, adhering to the strict social distancing and hygiene measures in place at all Resthaven residential aged care homes.

    Resthaven’s high quality aged care services are supported by around 480 volunteers across South Australia. This National Volunteer Week, and all throughout the year, we say ‘Thank you to volunteers’!

    Want to read more about Resthaven volunteers?