We have a dedicated and enthusiastic team of staff who will passionately support you to continue your lifestyle. Our lifestyle programs are based on your interests and suggestions.
We partner with you to design activities that fulfill your interests, preferences and personal needs.
The Lifestyle Coordinator goes above and beyond planning excellent lifestyle activities ensuring that each resident is as involved as they wish. Her dedication is exceptional.
In this part of our life journey, to know that we are loved for who we are is appreciated. Thank you for giving so much to each and every one of us!’ – Resident of Resthaven Leabrook
The lifestyle program includes calendar events throughout the year, including cultural and religious observances and support. The calendar is distributed regularly, and displayed on notice boards.
The site newsletter also contains features on activities and special events.
Our staff enjoy creating opportunities for connecting, engaging, socialising, being creative and learning. For example:
- entertainment
- bus trips
- gardening
- art and craft
- computer skills
- current Affairs and companionship
- quiz and card games
- singalongs/music
- armchair travel
Our Christmas was the best one in a long time: the food, the table settings, decorations, the meal, the staff, the whole team were there to assist and please us all. The gifts were unexpected and so many were amazing “not just one fits all!” They were so well thought out! And much appreciated – “all my Christmas’s came at once!” There are not enough words to express thanks, gratitude and appreciation for a wonderful day!
When can we have another Christmas party?!-Resthaven Westbourne Park resident