• Residential Respite

    6 Bartley Crescent, Wayville, South Australia, Australia

    Respite accommodation is available at all Resthaven residential aged care homes. A period of respite gives much needed relief to the family carers and offers the opportunity to experience what living in a residential aged care facility is like.

    All Metropolitan sites are booked through our head office in Wayville.

    View and download Resthaven’s Residential Respite Care Fact Sheet here

    “I just loved it. The food was good. The service was excellent. The gardens were lovely. My room was heaven. The other residents were so nice to me. What a lovely place you have.  What more can I say? Thank you!”


    Respite vacancies at residential care homes are single rooms with ensuite.

    To enquire about Residential Respite, please call:

    Please note that vacancies are subject to change at short notice.

    Residential respite accommodation is available at all Resthaven aged care homes for a minimum of two (2) weeks. Bookings are essential.


    Resthaven understands and values the important role of carers in supporting their relatives and spouses as they age and are no longer fully independent.

    Sometimes, a carer needs to attend to other activities, or go on holidays. Respite enables a carer to remain healthy, in their caring role longer, and it enables you both to have a wider social life.

    By joining the Resthaven residential community as a respite client, you are able to participate in lifestyle activities and other aspects of life at Resthaven.

    Residential respite is a great introduction to residential care. Our staff are qualified, insured, and police checked, providing affordable support when and where you need it.

    Resthaven provides respite at all of our residential aged care homes for older people who are either high or low care assessed as part of their government assessment process. Each applicant is then considered based on a suitable vacancy being available to fit the individual care needs of that person.

    Our staff look forward to assisting and supporting you to ensure your time at Resthaven is an enjoyable experience.

    Residential Respite FAQ

    What is residential respite care?

    Residential respite care in an aged care home can support you and the person who cares for you with a break for a short period of time, after which you return home. Residential respite care can be planned ahead.

    What is the cost of residential respite care?

    All respite residents with approval for Respite Care, are required to pay the basic daily fee determined by the Government.

    What is the availability of respite care?

    Respite is available at all Resthaven homes. You can access residential respite for up to 63 days each financial year. Enquiries and bookings for respite are made with the Resthaven Accommodation Enquiries Team.



    An assessment through My Aged Care is required for older people wishing to access residential respite.

    Contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422, or visit the My Aged Care website. Learn more


    Residential Respite Enquiry

    Do you feel overwhelmed in your caring role?