• Financial Information-Home Care

    thumbs upAt Resthaven, we believe that affordable aged care should be accessible to all.

    We encourage individuals to meet with a Resthaven representative to discuss and begin to understand what is possible.

    This conversation can occur even before the person is allocated a package from the National Wait List for a particular level of Home Care Package – while they are waiting for a package to become available.

    How much does it cost?

    The amount you contribute for Home Care services depends on your income and the number of services you require.

    Commonwealth Home Support Services are subsidised by the Government, but a client contribution is still required. Please refer to our fee list.

    Home Care Package services are charged to your individualised budget, which is made up of Government subsidy, the Government mandated client contribution (may include an income tested fee), and any additional funds you wish to contribute to the budget to cover the costs of required services.

    Costs will vary, but are designed to be affordable. Resthaven does not charge exit fees.

    Click here to access My Aged Care’s Fee Estimator

    You can also choose to pay for your choice of services through Resthaven’s full fee paying program, Lifestyle Choice Plus, with no waiting or assessment needed.

    Commonwealth Home Support Programme

    The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) offers subsidised entry-level aged care support.

    The CHSP promotes independence through physical and emotional well-being, social participation and access to the community.

    This program provides a basic level of support that may include assistance with personal care, showering and dressing, preparing meals, housework, laundry, shopping and transport. In home, centre based or overnight cottage style respite for the carer is also available.

    The choice of CHSP services is limited, and provided on an hourly basis. There is no income assessment to access the CHSP, and the age pension will not be affected by personal contributions to the cost of services. Services are limited, and should a person’s circumstances change, they may be assessed and approved for a higher level of care.

    Download the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) In-home, Equipment, Groups, Respite Client Fee Schedule

    The Commonwealth Home Support Programme also subsidises allied health services and self-management programs. Resthaven’s wellness centres offer individual and group support.

    Download the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Nursing & Allied Health Services Client Fee Schedule


    Home Care Packages

    Home Care Packages offer a higher level of care and support to stay at home longer.

    ‘Packages of care’ are allocated in levels one to four, with the higher levels offering support to address more complex and clinical care.


    There are regulatory guidelines regarding Home Care Package fees: a daily basic fee of up to 17.5% of the age pension, the value of the Home Care Package subsidy at the level for which the person is eligible, an administration fee and a care management fee. In addition, there are means testing implications that impact on the level of subsidy for each package.

    1. Each person’s situation is addressed and takes into account their particular circumstances and needs.
    2. A draft budget may then be prepared and negotiated with the individual to determine fees and their choice of services.

    The Department of Veterans’ Affairs provides a subsidy to approved veterans and their families, and can advise on individual circumstances.

    Download the Home Care Package Pricing Schedule

    Do you want to remain living at home, leading an independent lifestyle?