• In Home Care

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    Consumer Directed Care Frequently Asked Questions

    Access services that give you more choice and control over the types of care and services you receive, how they are delivered and who delivers them to you.

    Download the fact sheet to learn more about Consumer Directed Care.

    Home Care Packages

    Resthaven supports older people who require assistance to remain at home through individually tailored support services called ‘Home Care Packages’.

    Services are delivered using a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) approach, which gives the older person choice and flexibility in the way their care and support is provided.

    For more information, phone 1300 13 66 33.

    In Home Support (Commonwealth Home Support Program)

    Resthaven assists older people to remain independent and safe in their home and to participate in community life.

    Read this brochure to find out what services we provide, the benefits a little support at home makes in your everyday life, and if you are eligible for our in-home services.

    Lifestyle Choices Plus

    A private service option, offering older people a range of support on a fee for service basis.

    It offers flexibility and choice – do what you want to do, when you want to. Choose from once-off, short-term, or ongoing flexible, private services. No matter whether you live at home, in a retirement village, apartment or residential aged care home, you can access Lifestyle Choices Plus. Services are provided by Resthaven’s highly trained, police checked, qualified and skilled staff.

    Resthaven practices a minimal restrictive practice approach

    Resthaven practices a minimal restrictive practice approach. A brochure to assist residents, clients, and representatives.

    It provides information about this approach is including examples and common misunderstandings about restrictive practice.

    Do you want to remain living at home, leading an independent lifestyle?