• Dementia

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    Live Well, Die Well Booklet

    Important information about end-stage dementia.

    Carers Booklet
    This booklet contains important information for past and current carers about end-stage dementia.

    Coordinator’s Handbook
    This handbook is aimed at assisting Coordinators to gain an understanding of how to work in partnership with the person with end-stage dementia and their families.

    Resthaven practices a minimal restrictive practice approach

    Resthaven practices a minimal restrictive practice approach. A brochure to assist residents, clients, and representatives.

    It provides information about this approach is including examples and common misunderstandings about restrictive practice.

    The Good, the Bad, and the Brilliant

    A booklet that relates the personal experiences of being a carer of, or as a person living with dementia.

    Arising from conversations with a number of carers and people living with dementia, this document aims to capture the uniqueness of each journey, while exploring the shared experience. This cohesive set of personal stories comes together as a balanced narrative that explores the good, the bad and the brilliant along the way. It should be read by all people touched by dementia, and even those who are not.

    With a Little Help… How family and friends can support a Carer

    This booklet is for the family and friends of a Carer: to help you support someone you know who is caring for someone else.

    Many Carers say that they sometimes experience a sense of isolation – that those around them, family and friends, can’t quite ‘get’ what it is that the Carer is going through. Carers we have spoken with said that they wished there was some information available to their family and friends that would help them understand and better support the Carer. Here you will find information and practical ideas to support a Carer in their important role.

    Looking for community respite or services for carers? Call 8198 2060