• Aldinga House

    18 Halcyon Circuit, Aldinga Beach SA 5173, Australia

    At Aldinga House, Resthaven offers respite services for the person in your care, which can give you some respite from your caring role, assisting you to stay well and healthy. To enquire and book, call Resthaven Community Respite Services.

    View and download Aldinga House Respite Fact Sheet here

    Resthaven respite cottage, Aldinga House, is available for older people looking for a ‘seachange’ near the beach.

    Managed by Resthaven Community Respite Services, this respite house is available for overnight respite. Bookings are essential.

    Day and overnight respite care is offered. Two well-equipped bedrooms offer an opportunity for a short break of up to two weeks, ideal when a carer needs time out for themselves.

    Whether you’re longing for an overnight stay, or a social day out, Aldinga House is designed for the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

    This quiet home setting is just a short drive to iconic Aldinga Beach, where you can enjoy the sea air, walks or drives on the beach, and call in to a beach front café on your way back.

    Subsidised overnight and day respite is available for carers of older people through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme. Private and Home Care Package options are also available.

    ‘The two carers were very very impressive. They are very caring people’

    — Client

    ‘Thank you! I was very happy with my experience, especially with the Home Support Worker who provided Chinese language support.’

    — Client


    Programs and Social groups available


    Day Respite

    Monday – Friday, 10am – 2pm

    • Day respite is available for carers who live in the southern metropolitan area of Adelaide.
    • Nutritious, home cooked meals are prepared on site. Individual preferences are considered.
    • An interactive social program is provided, which focuses on the abilities and interests of the person being cared for.

    Group Respite

    Small group day respite in a relaxed, supportive, enjoyable environment is offered. Please contact Resthaven Community Respite Services for more information.

    Overnight Respite

    Overnight rooms can be booked for a single or several nights, up to a maximum of two weeks.

    Private bedroom with ensuite bathroom available for short-term overnight respite.

    Social Groups


    Create a small gift for your loved ones.

    Board Games/Cards

    Enjoy and afternoon or playing scrabble, card games, dominos etc.

    Memory Lane

    Bring a photo album or an item that holds historical or cultural significance to share with the group.

    Afternoon Tea Bakery

    Participate in baking a treat for afternoon tea to share together.

    Gardening Projects

    Assist with the Aldinga House Garden, planting seedlings for seasonal vegetables and potting flowers.

    For more details on any of these groups, please call Resthaven Community Respite Services on 08 8198 2060.

    Two women sit on a blue couch looking at a magazine, laughing and enjoying each other's companyolder lady waves at the camers from an open doorway



    A My Aged Care referral number is required to access community respite services. Respite is available for carers who live in southern metropolitan Adelaide and care for frail older people who have low level care needs, including those with short term memory loss. To find out more, contact Resthaven Community Respite Services on (08) 8198 2060.

    Please note that vacancies are subject to change at short notice. For the latest vacancy information, please contact us on (08) 8198 2060 or email: respite@resthaven.asn.au

    Looking for community respite or services for carers? Call 8198 2060