Murray Bridge Clients Supported by Resthaven
Murray Bridge clients, Mr Malcolm and Mrs Janice Burgess, are a great example of Resthaven’s range of services working together to provide positive outcomes.
‘One of the great things about Resthaven is our wide range of services,’ says Resthaven Murray Bridge, Hills and Fleurieu Community Services Manager, Cecelia Oxborrow.
‘People are able to be supported to live independently at home or in retirement living, and, if their needs are no longer able to be met in a home care setting, they can choose to move to residential care.’
‘Mrs Burgess accesses a Home Care Package through Resthaven Murray Bridge, Hills and Fleurieu Community Services. She has some complex care requirements, including peritoneal dialysis, but is able to continue to remain living at home with the support of her husband.’
‘Unfortunately, the caring role was becoming more difficult for Mr Burgess, who is aged in his 80s.’ Despite this, they both prefer that Mrs Burgess remain living at home.
Mrs Burgess says, ‘The main thing for Malcolm is to have a rest.’
Cecelia says, ‘Resthaven staff discussed options with the couple, with a focus on their goal to both remain living at home.’
‘Mr and Mrs Burgess chose to have regular scheduled respite, occasionally for two week periods, with Mrs Burgess living at Resthaven Murray Bridge during this time, so that Mr Burgess could have a break from his caring role.’
Resthaven Murray Bridge Manager, Residential Services, Debbie Lindner, says, ‘After discussing the situation with Cecelia and her team, and the Resthaven specialist clinical services team, we worked with Mr and Mrs Burgess to make this possible.’
‘The dialysis equipment provider and renal clinical specialist were contacted, and thirteen Resthaven staff underwent peritoneal dialysis training, funded by Resthaven.’
‘Following her very successful stay in residential respite, Mrs Burgess returned home to a well-rested husband, a trained community services team, and a plan to support her husband to safely manage the dialysis equipment in their home.’
Of her time at Resthaven Murray Bridge, Mrs Burgess says, ‘It was like a little holiday for me here! The staff were very good, and the service was excellent.’
Cecelia adds, ‘The couple continue to live at home together, and Mr Burgess is able maintain his role as carer, with the support of home visits from trained staff, and regular, planned residential respite for his wife.’
‘Resthaven community-based clinical staff attend their home twice a day to prepare the dialysis equipment to alleviate the heavy lifting, which is becoming difficult for Mr Burgess.’
Mrs Burgess says, ‘The home care as well is top grade. The staff know our house, and work in with us very well.’
Debbie says, ‘Working together, Resthaven staff provided a great outcome for Mr and Mrs Burgess.’