• Spotlight on Homelessness

    Spotlight on Homelessness

    This week is National Homelessness Week, run by Homelessness Australia, and this year’s message is ‘Housing Ends Homelessness’.

    Poverty is a root cause of homelessness: having a lower income than necessary to sustain a healthy and secure life, and to access the housing market, can result in tenuous housing situations, and potentially, homelessness.

    Almost 15,000 older Australians experience homelessness or are at risk of homelessness due to lack of affordable housing, shortage of public housing, closure of private boarding houses and caravan parks. Homelessness may arise from other factors such as mental illness, domestic violence and abuse, disability, substance abuse, divorce and interrupted employment.

    Homelessness in older age has a profound impact on wellbeing: mental, physical and emotional health, the loss of social networks, vulnerability to physical violence and a loss of a sense of place in society. This is concerning in our first world country. It is important to understand the causes and consequences of poverty. It is equally important to offer equity in access to aged care services for all older people, including those people with reduced financial means and circumstance.

    Last year, Resthaven commissioned the University of South Australia to conduct research and prepare a report: ‘The risk of homelessness for older women in South Australia’ (Beer, A. and Spork, N. 2018). This report indicates that there is a growing demand from older women in tenuous housing situations for supported accommodation.

    The report identified a 31% increase in the number of homeless women between Census 2011 and 2016.

    In South Australia, approximately 44% of women aged 65 years or more live below the poverty line ($400/week). Half of all older clients of homeless services reported a vulnerability, with 27% affected by mental health issues; 17% domestic and family violence; 2% reported substance abuse as an issue in their lives.

    There are advocacy and linking services for people aged over 50 years, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, Assistance with Care and Housing service. Support may include liaising with public housing representatives and private rental landlords, linking people with relevant services, and supporting people in seeking alternative housing situations or resolving issues such as hoarding or tenancy disputes.

    Resthaven has been a provider of Assistance with Care and Housing since it commenced in 1993. In 2018, Resthaven supported 129 clients with advocacy, case management and coordination and referral to relevant service providers.

    Learn more about the Assistance with Care and Housing Programme

    Resthaven believes that affordable aged care should be accessible to all across the full spectrum of financial means, and offers 19 rental units at Marion, in partnership with Housing SA. In addition, two units at Resthaven Paradise offer affordable rental accommodation for people at risk of homelessness. For more information call 1300 13 66 33.

    The South Australian Government supports people at risk of homelessness and has a Homelessness service provider directory. For details visit https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/housing/emergency-shelter-and-homelessness or phone 1800 003 308 (freecall from a landline).