Proactively manage your ageing with new information sessions
This year, Resthaven is running a series of free sessions to bring older South Australians the information they need to best manage potential health concerns.
‘As we get older, a number of health issues can arise,’ Mel Ottaway, Resthaven Executive Manager Community Services and Retirement Living says. ‘By staying well informed, we all have an opportunity to proactively manage these concerns.’
The one-hour information sessions are open to all members of the community.
‘Community members who attend these sessions may have some, little, or no knowledge on the topic,’ Mel says. ‘You do not need to be a current Resthaven client to attend.’
Led by Resthaven clinical educators, each session will cover a specific topic related to health and ageing. Information sessions include advance care directives, skin management, Parkinson’s falls and prevention, continence management, dementia, and how to navigate aged care services.
The sessions will be held throughout the state, in both regional and urban areas. Tickets are limited to two per person, per session, and can be booked through TryBooking Australia.
For more information phone Rachelle on 8373 9118 or email rachelle.richter@resthaven.asn.au