• From the CEO

    From the CEO

    Times of change and renewal

    As I recognised ANZAC Day from home this year, I was reminded of the sacrifice of those brave men and women who have served in times of war.

    Nurses and the medical corps play an important caring role throughout these conflicts.

    The first ANZACs fought for our country in the first World War. Those who came home to Australia then witnessed the world suffer through the Spanish flu pandemic.

    The important phrase, ‘Lest we Forget’, reminds us of the unique experiences and many sacrifices of these times, and other times where similar sacrifice and service have been given for our community and for others.

    I have always found this quote by John F Kennedy to be inspiring for those in the community who seek to do good works and support and serve others in need:

    ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’

    The older generations belong to the cohort who built Australia, and served their communities both in war times and at other times of hardship.

    And there are the many who were born overseas and reflect on the significant contributions given to their birth country, communities and loved ones.

    This year, as I reflect again on the contributions of so many in by-gone years, I am also drawn to the current impact that COVID-19 is having on everyone in our community and in communities around the world.

    I have read much in the local papers of the rightful acknowledgement given to those involved in essential services. In addition to their own personal risks from contracting COVID-19, they work with those affected, or in prevention of infection in the community. They are responding to what they can do for their community.

    Only a few months ago, we witnessed many others rising to community service during the terrible bushfires. It was heart-warming to see how people and communities rallied together.

    For me personally, I am reminded every day of my heroes; they are those working with older individuals in a range of different roles in aged care. They respond when asked what they can do for their community and country.

    Thank you to all who are working in aged care services and the important work you do.

    Lest we forget those who have served our country, who are living examples of how great challenges in life can have great responses, building resilience and strengthening communities. People come through difficult times together, building and re-building. Together, we will again do this!


    Richard Hearn
    Former Chief Executive Officer