Volunteer for ‘happy’ connections
‘Happy Hour’ is a much-loved social event held at Resthaven Mount Gambier each Friday afternoon, and one where more volunteer support is welcomed.
‘Seeing the connections shared between residents and volunteers is heartwarming,’ Mount Gambier Acting Lifestyle Coordinator Shelley van der Linde says. ‘We would love volunteers to join us for Happy Hour, as well as other group activities.’
Resthaven’s Volunteer Services Manager, Stacey Thompson says volunteers make a real difference in enriching people’s lives.
‘And the benefits are two-way,’ Stacey says. ‘Volunteers often share how much they gain from the personal and meaningful connections made through volunteering.’
Stacey recently experienced this firsthand when having a conversation with one of the residents.
‘The conversation turned to the recent hot weather, and the gentleman shared that he liked 44-degree heat, as he was originally from Broken Hill,’ Stacey says. ‘This led me to mention that one of our volunteer bus drivers is also from Broken Hill. As it turned out, the gentleman had met him the day before while on a bus outing.’
The connections continued when the person Stacey was meeting arrived and revealed that he was from Broken Hill as well!
‘They could have talked together for hours,’ Stacey says. ‘It just shows – we are social creatures, and such connections are important for all of us. They help us to feel good, belong and thrive. Volunteers help forge and sustain these meaningful connections.’
Join us in sharing the message about the benefits of volunteering, such as making connections and building new social and cultural experiences. There are many ways volunteers can be involved. Do you or someone you know want to explore volunteering?
We welcome your enquiries, contact Volunteer Services on 8373 9036 or volunteer@resthaven.asn.au or apply online: www.resthaven.asn.au/volunteer