Thank you Resthaven Western Community Services
Recently, John* contacted Resthaven to ‘commend your staff for their extra effort, and positive and caring manner’ in supporting his parents, who are ‘aged 90 and 94 years young’.
John says, ‘I am a senior airline pilot based overseas, and therefore Resthaven has been a key part of ensuring that my parents were well cared for, and more importantly, safe.’
‘Over these [four] years, there have been a number of critical times when my parents needed extra and urgent help, and your staff were always ready to step forward and assist.’
‘The Resthaven Western Community Services staff team are excellent; their compassion and personal interest in each of your clients ensure that everything is handled correctly.’
‘As of February this year, my parents entered into a nursing home, but their wishes were to remain in their own home as long as possible, which we were able to achieve together.’
‘Thank you, Resthaven!’
Resthaven Western Community Services is just one of Resthaven’s many community services locations across metropolitan Adelaide, the hills, Murraylands, Riverland, Fleurieu and Limestone Coast, who support older people to remain living independently in their own homes. Phone 1300 13 66 33 to be connected to your nearest location.
Resthaven also supports around 2,000 older people in eleven fully accredited residential aged care homes throughout metropolitan Adelaide, Murray Bridge, Port Elliot, and Mount Gambier. A twelfth home will open at Aberfoyle Park in July. Phone 8373 9113 to find out more.
*Names have been changed to protect privacy.