• COVID-19 Information for our Communities

    Resthaven’s focus is on protecting the health and wellbeing of our residents and clients, along with employees and volunteers, and their families. We continue to implement COVID-19 infection control measures as required. This may include wearing masks at times of increased risk in the community. Please follow the instructions of site staff.

    Residential Aged Care Homes

    Resthaven continues to implement COVID-19 infection control measures as required. This may include wearing masks at times of increased risk in the community. Please follow the instructions of staff.

    During a COVID-19 outbreak or exposure in an Aged Care Home, the site will liaise via text message with the primary contacts of residents who are impacted by the outbreak. We ask primary resident contacts to please share this information with other family members and friends.

    While a COVID-19 outbreak at the home does not prevent anyone from visiting the site, staff and visitors will be required to adhere to the site COVID Management Plan, which includes wearing eye protection and N95 Masks.

    There are no restrictions on visiting hours, and visitors are not required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or Influenza, although it is strongly recommended. Visitors are not required to sign in, or undertake temperature checks.

    We strongly recommend that visitors undertake a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) prior to visiting, or on entry. You are encouraged to wear a surgical mask whilst inside if you choose, most particularly when in close contact with the person you are visiting. Masks are available at the entrance. We encourage visitors not to visit whilst they are COVID-19 positive, or otherwise unwell.

    SCAM ALERT: Please be aware that scammers are active in the community, purporting to be Resthaven employees. If you are not familiar with the person, please ask for identification before allowing them into your home. Please be alert, not alarmed. All legitimate Resthaven Community Services employees carry photo identification cards so that you can be sure they are who they say they are. Notify your coordinator and the police, if you are visited by a scammer.

    Resthaven Community Services

    Resthaven Community Services are being delivered as normal with relevant precautions.

    It is important that anyone with COVID-like symptoms, is COVID-19 positive or living with someone in their household who has COVID-19, notifies their Resthaven coordinator or site as soon as possible. It is imperative that you let our staff know this before they enter the home. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

    We encourage all community clients to be fully vaccinated.

    We thank you for your support and understanding.


    Please see the Visiting Information for Residential Care Homes

    Vaccination Information